Alat latih ini dirancang untuk mengajar konsep dasar Mesin AC asynchronous, fasa tunggal maupun tiga fasa. Siswa akan mempelajari karakteristik Mesin AC asynchronous. Dilengkapi dengan alat ukur untuk mesin listrik (Torque, Speed, Voltage, Current, Power dan Frequency). Mesin-mesin dapat dihubungkan menggunakan sistem kopling.
Topik percobaan:
- Starting characteristic of a single phase capacitor AC machine
- Changing the rotational directional of a single phase AC machine
- Load characteristic n, I, cosσ, Ihi, P2, s, η = f(M) of a single-phase induction machine
- Starting characteristic of three-phase induction machine with squirrel-cage rotor
- Changing the rotational directional of three-phase induction machine with squirrel-cage rotor
- Compensation of reactive power of three-phase induction machine with squirrel-cage rotor
- Load Characteristic n, I, Iu, Iv, Iw cosσ = f(M) of Three-phase induction machine with squirrelcage rotor-Steinmetz circuit
- Load Characteristic n, I, Iu, Iv, Iw cosσ = f(M) of Three-phase induction machine with squirrelcage rotor
- Starting characteristic of three-phase Induction machine with slip-ring rotor
- Changing the rotational directional of threephase induction machine with slip-ring rotor
- Load characteristic n, I, cosσ, P2, η, s = f (M) of three-phase induction machine with slip-ring rotor
- Rotational-frequency characteristics n = f (Rv) of Three-phase induction machine with slip-ring rotor
- Pole changeable (dahlander circuit) connection and change rotation of threephase induction machine with squirrelcage rotor
- Load characteristics n, I, cos σ, P2, s, η = f (M) Three-phase induction machine with squirrel-cage rotor, pole changeable (dahlander circuit)
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