Untuk mempelajari dasar dasar hidrolik pada peralatan yang disematkan pada alat berat
Ÿ Experimenttabledimension approx.1600(length)×750(width)×1700(height)
Ÿ Aluminiumpaneldimension approx.1200 length ×750 width
Ÿ Groovegap 25mm
Ÿ Aluminumwoodcabinet 1piece
Ÿ Casterwithcrackgroove:4pieces
Ÿ HydraulicWorkbench,
Ÿ Hydrauliccomponents
Ÿ Configurationindustryusehydraulicvalve,thegreatestworkpressureisapprox.31.5 Mpa.
Ÿ Each hydraulic component equip with oil-way transition bottom board, can easily andcasually laid on the panel.
Ÿ Oil-waylapjointsusetheopenclosedquickchangeconnector,dismantleandconnect easily, not leak oil.
Ÿ a)Workpower:AC380V
Ÿ b)Frequency50Hz/60Hz
Ÿ c)Safetyrate-limitingrange approx.1000-1500r/
Ÿ d)Powerapprox.1.1KW
Ÿ e) Flow approx. 6L/ Noise far away hydraulic table 1.5m when hydraulic pump
Ÿ Demonstrativeexperimentoil-wayliquidflowrequirepressureonlyisapprox.
Ÿ 4-6MpaUsegearpumpsystem
Ÿ 1 Motor-pump set Use pump open shelf installation, structure compact, low noise,
easy to maintenance;
Ÿ 2 oil box nominal volume approx. 35L accompany oil temperature liquidometer
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