Ÿ Digunakan untuk pengenalan
Ÿ mengenai ruang mesin pada kapal,
Ÿ sistem pendingin, sistem mesin bantu,
Ÿ dan kelistrikan.
Ÿ Hardware of Ship
Ÿ Machinery Operation Simulator:
Ÿ - Instructor Room
Ÿ - 1 set of PC for instructor
Ÿ - 1 unit of Handset
Ÿ - 1 unit of Printer
Ÿ - 1 unit of Projecto
Ÿ - 1 set of Single Engine Console
Ÿ - Trainee Station
Ÿ - 10 set of Personal Computer
Ÿ - 10 unit of Handset
Ÿ - 1 unit of Networking System
Ÿ - 1 set of CCTV
Ÿ - 1 unit of Fire extinguisher
Ÿ Software of Ship
Ÿ Machinery Operation Simulator:
Ÿ - Instructor Software
Ÿ - Instructor Control Station
Ÿ Imitation Module
Ÿ - 3D Visualization Module
Ÿ - Machinery and Alarm Sound
- Trainee Software
- The trainee station is intended for: modeling of work propulsion control system; modeling work of main engine; modeling of work ME service systems; modeling of work auxiliary systems; modeling work of electric power plant; presentation to the operator of mimic panel of simulated systems of main engine; presentation of the information about work of elements of systems of main engine; presentation of the help information; presentation to the operator of the information about meaning of parameters of functioning of main engine.
- Propulsion control and monitoring system
- Ship Power Plant Systems
- Main Systems
- Auxiliary Systems
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