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KONTAK KAMI : Telpon : 02126071413 Hp/WhatsApp : 081212269831 Perwakilan Jakarta : Gedung LTC Glodok Lantai 1 Blok C30 No.31 Jl.Hayam Wuruk No.127 Jakarta , Indonesia

Kamis, 07 September 2017

FATEK B1 Series (Economic PLC) Transistor Output: B1-10MT2-AC,B1-10MT2-DC,B1-14MT2-AC,B1-14MT2-DC,B1-20MT2-AC, B1-14MT2-DC,B1-20MT2-AC,B1-24MT2-AC,B1-24MT2-DC,B1-32MT2-AC,B1-32MT2-DC,B1-40MT2-AC,B1-40MT2-DC,

FATEK B1 Series (Economic PLC) Transistor Output

B1-10MT2-AC, 6 points 24VDC digital input (4 points 50kHz, 2 points total 5kHz) transistor output (2 points 50kHz), low speed 2 points, built-in 1-2 communication ports, left side is expandable 0-2 modules, right side is expandable up to 80 I/O points. 

B1-10MT2-DC, 6 points 24VDC digital input (4 points 50kHz, 2 points total 5kHz) transistor output (2 points 50kHz), low speed 2 points, built-in 1-2 communication ports, left side is expandable 0-2 modules, right side is expandable up to 80 I/O points. 

B1-14MT2-AC, Specification 8 points 24VDC digital input (4 points 50kHz, 4 point total 5kHz), transistor output (2 points 50kHz), Low speed 2 points, built-in 1-2 communication ports, left side is  expandable 0-2 modules, right side is expandable up to 80 I/O points.

B1-14MT2-DC, Specification 8 points 24VDC digital input (4 points 50kHz, 4 point total 5kHz), transistor output (2 points 50kHz), Low speed 2 points, built-in 1-2 communication ports, left side is  expandable 0-2 modules, right side is expandable up to 80 I/O points.

B1-20MT2-AC, Specification 8 points 24VDC digital input (4 points 50kHz, 4 points total 5kHz), transistor output (2 points 50kHz), Low speed 2 points, built-in 1-2 communication ports, left side is expandable 0-2 modules, right side is expandable up to 80 I/O points.

B1-14MT2-DC, Specification 8 points 24VDC digital input (4 points 50kHz, 4 points total 5kHz), transistor output (2 points 50kHz), Low speed 2 points, built-in 1-2 communication ports, left side is expandable 0-2 modules, right side is expandable up to 80 I/O points.

B1-20MT2-AC, Specification 12 points 24VDC digital input (6 points 50kHz, 6 points t0tal 5kHz), transistor output (4 points 50kHz), Low speed 4 points, built-in 1-2 communication ports, left side is expandable 0-2 modules, right side is expandable up to 80 I/O points.

B1-24MT2-AC, Specification 14 points 24VDC digital input (8 points 50kHz, 6 points t0tal 5kHz), transistor output (4 points 50kHz), Low speed 6 points, built-in 1-2 communication ports, left side is expandable 0-2 modules, right side is expandable up to 80 I/O points.

B1-24MT2-DC, Specification 14 points 24VDC digital input (8 points 50kHz, 6 points total 5kHz), transistor output (4 points 50kHz), Low speed 6 points, built-in 1-2 communication ports, left side is expandable 0-2 modules, right side is expandable up to 80 I/O points.

B1-32MT2-AC, Specification 20 points 24VDC digital input (8 points 50kHz, 8 points total 5kHz, 4 points low speed), transistor output (6 points 50 kHz), built-in 1-2 communication ports, left side is expandable 0-2 modules, right side is expandable up to 80 I/O points.

B1-32MT2-DC, Specification 20 points 24VDC digital input (8 points 50kHz, 8 points total 5kHz, 4 points low speed), transistor output (6 points 50 kHz), built-in 1-2 communication ports, left side is expandable 0-2 modules, right side is expandable up to 80 I/O points.

B1-40MT2-AC, Specification 24 points 24VDC digital input ( 8 points 50kHz,  8 points total 5kHz, 8 points low speed), transistor output (6 points 50kHz), built-in 1-2 communication ports, left side is expandable 0-2 modules, right side is expandable up to 80 I/O points.

B1-40MT2-DC, Specification 24 points 24VDC digital input ( 8 points 50kHz,  8 points total 5kHz, 8 points low speed), transistor output (6 points 50kHz), built-in 1-2 communication ports, left side is expandable 0-2 modules, right side is expandable up to 80 I/O points.

FATEK B1 Series (Economic PLC) Relay Output : B1-10MR2-AC,B1-10MR2-DC,B1-14MR2-AC,B1-14MR2-DC,B1-20MR2-AC,B1-24MR2-AC,B1-24MR-DC,B1-32MR2-AC,B1-40MR2-AC,B1-40MR2-DC,

B1 Series (Economic PLC) Relay Output

B1-10MR2-AC, Specification 6 Points 24VDC digital input (4 Points 50kHz, 2 points total 5kHz), 4 points relay output, built-i 1-2 communication ports, left side is expandable 0-2 modules, right side is expandable up to 80 I/O points.

B1-10MR2-DC, Specification 6 Points 24VDC digital input (4 Points 50kHz, 2 points total 5kHz), 4 points relay output, built-i 1-2 communication ports, left side is expandable 0-2 modules, right side is expandable up to 80 I/O points.

B1-14MR2-AC, Specification 8 points 24VDC digital input (4 points 50kHz, 4 points total 5kHz), 6 points relay output, built-in 1-2 communication ports, left side is expandable 0-2 modules, right side  expandable up to 80 I/O points.

B1-14MR2-DC, Specification 8 points 24VDC digital input (4 points 50kHz, 4 points total 5kHz), 6 points relay output, built-in 1-2 communication ports, left side is expandable 0-2 modules, right side  expandable up to 80 I/O points.

B1-20MR2-AC, Specification 12 points 24VDC digital input (8 points 50kHz, 6 points total 5kHz), 8 points relay output, built-in 1-2 communication ports, left side is expandable 0-2 modules, right side is expandable up to 80 I/O points.

B1-24MR2-AC, 14 points 24VDC digital input (8 points 50kHz, 6 points total 5kHz), 10 points relay output, built-in 1-2 communication ports, left side is expandable 0-2 modules, right side is expandable up to 80 I/O points.

B1-24MR-DC, 14 points 24VDC digital input (8 points 50kHz, 6 points total 5kHz), 10 points relay output, built-in 1-2 communication ports, left side is expandable 0-2 modules, right side is expandable up to 80 I/O points.

B1-32MR2-AC, Specification 24 points 24VDC digital input (8 points 50kHz, 8 points total 5kHz, 4 points low speed), 12 points relay output, built-in 1-2 communication ports, left side is expandable 0-2 modules, right side is expandable up to 80 I/O points.

B1-32MR2-DC, Specification 24 points 24VDC digital input (8 points 50kHz, 8 points total 5kHz, 4 points low speed), 12 points relay output, built-in 1-2 communication ports, left side is expandable 0-2 modules, right side is expandable up to 80 I/O points.

B1-40MR2-AC, Specification 20 points 24VDC digital input (8 points 50kHz, 8 points total 5kHz, 4 points low speed), 12 point relay output, built-in 1-2 communication ports, left side is expandable 0-2 modules, right side is expandable up to 80 I/O points.

B1-40MR2-DC, Specification 20 points 24VDC digital input (8 points 50kHz, 8 points total 5kHz, 4 points low speed), 12 point relay output, built-in 1-2 communication ports, left side is expandable 0-2 modules, right side is expandable up to 80 I/O points.

Selasa, 05 September 2017

Fiture PLC Omron CP1E

Menanggapi Persaingan Global dengan Kemampuan Kontrol Perangkat Lebih Banyak

CP1E memberikan kinerja biaya tinggi untuk mengurangi biaya lebih lanjut dengan memungkinkan anda memilih Unit CPU optimal dari Model S tipe E [] [] S-Type Basic atau N / [] [] S (1) -type Application Models.

Windows adalah Merk dagang terdaftar dari Microsoft Corporation di Amerika Serikat dan Negara lainnya. Nama Perusahaan dan nama produk lain dalam dokumen ini adalah merk dagang atau merk dagang terdaftar dari masing-masing perusahaan.

Sederhana dan User Friendly

Kontrol intuitif dengan "Smart Input" 

Mudah digunakan input editor dengan fungsi smart input [All Models]

Saat anda mulai mengetikan instruksi dari keyboard di Ladder Editor Mode, petunjuk yang disarankan akan ditampilkan dan alamat secara otomatis masuk.
Menghubungkan baris ditambahkan secara otomatis berdasarkan posisi kursor, memungkinkan pemrograman tangga intuitif.

Instruksi dan Fungsi input input Addres

Saat anda mulai mengetikkan instruksi dari keyboard saat berada di jendela Editor Tangga, petunjuk yang disarankan akan ditampilkan. Yang harus Anda lakukuan adalah memilih instruksi dari daftar untuk memudahkan masukan meskipun Anda tidak mengingat keseluruhan mnemonik.

Alamat incrementing

Alamat operan berikutnya, termasuk bit input dan bit output bertmbah satu dan ditampilkan sebagai default. Hal ini memungkinkan dengan mudah memasukan alamat berturut-turut.

User Friendly Ladder Program input

Automation Connecting Line Insertion

Dengan fungsi penyisipan garis penghubung otomatis koneksi yang diperlukan ditambahkan secara otomatis berdasarkan posisi curser.

Penyisipan Kolom Otomatis Saat Memasukan Instruksi

Kolom secara otomatis dimasukan saat sebuah instruksi ditambahkan bahkan jika curser berada diatas instruksi lain.

Mudah untuk menggunakan kembali tangga pemrograman

Menyalin dengan Address Incrementing

Untuk membuat kelompok instruksi tangga yang sama lebih dari satu kali dengan fungsi penyalinan tambahan alamaat, petunjuknya dapat digunakan kembali hanya dengan memasukan offset alamat.

Struktur Menu Intuitif

Tampilan Menu Intiutif

Struktur Menu yang dirancang secara intuitif memudahkan untuk melihat keseluruhan sistem hanya dengan melihat menu agar lancar pengoperasiannya tanpa mengacu pada manual.

Hanya Kabel USB yang tersedia secara komersial yang diperlukan [Semua Model]

Semua Unit CPU CP1E Menggunakan USB berkecepatan tinggi untuk port periferal. Perankat lunak pendukung (komputer ) dapat dihubungkan menggunakan kabel USB yang tersedia secara komersial. Tanpa perlu Kabel konversi USB atau kabel khusus, koneksi lebih mudah dan biaya kabel rendah.

Kedalaman Unit CPU dengan konektor RS-232 berkurang 20 mm [Tipe pembaharuan]

6 mm lebih ramping dari tipe normal

Efesien dan Efektif

Tangani secara fleksibel bahkan sistem berskala kecil.
Berbagai Option Unit tersedia untuk meningkatkan kemampuan upgrade.

Aplikasi Lebih lanjut dengan kemampuan dan fungsi Advance Control [Model Aplikasi]

Model Aplikasi (CP1E-N [] [] / N [] [] S (1) ) dilengkapi dengan penghitung kecepatan tinggi, keluaran pulsa, dan port serial built-in.
Selain itu dengan menggunakan Unit perluasan dan Papan Opsi, Anda dapat mengedalikan berbegai perangkat.

Keluaran Pulse [Model dengan Output transistor]

Dua output pulsa 100KHz untuk kontrol posisi persisi tinggi.

Penghitung kecepatan tinggi

Kontrol beberapa sumbu dengan satu PLC menggunakan dua 100kHz dan empat 10kHz, penghitung kecepatan fase tunggal.
*Model Dasar dilengkapi dengan enam penghitung kecepatan tinggi 10kHz, satu fase.

Modbus-RTU mudah menguasai 

Tentukan kecepatan Via RS-485

Kontrol Analog

Akurasi analog tinggi I/O conrol dengan resolusi 1/12.000
Anda dapat menambahkan hingga 4 analog I/O dengan memasang sebuah Analog Option Board dan sampai 24 analog I/O denagn menghubungkan Unit Ekspansi. 

Pengaturan Suhu

Kombinasi Unit Input Suhu dengan instruksi PID memungkinkan kontrol suhu. 
Sampai 12 input termokopel per Unit CP1W-TS004.

CP1W-TS003memiliki dua input yang dapat digunakan untuk sensor suhu atau input analog.
Kedua sensor suhu dan input analog bisa dicpai hanya dengan satu Unit.

Serial PLC Links

Tautkan data dengan maksimal 10  kata antara sembilan Unit CPU CP1E-N  saat mengendalikan perangkat dengan beberapa PLC CP1E-N

Komunikasi Ethernet

Pasang Papan Ethernet Ethernet CP1W-CIF41 ke slot papan pilihan pada Unit CPU tipe CP1E-N / NA. Lakukan monitoring dan pemrograman dengan CX-Programmer, atau berkomunikasi dengan komputer host Via Ethernet. (Funsi Serve saja) 

Unit pilihan untuk fleksibel lebih

Papan pilihan untuk port komunikasi serial atau Ethernet tambahan dapat ditambahkan ke Unit CPU N30/ 40/60 dan NA20.
Tiga Unit ekspansi tersedia
*Dewan Opsi tidak dapat dipasangkan ke CP1E-N [][] S / N [][] S1

Inverter Omron MX2 Seri : 3G3MX2-A04004, 3G3MX2-A4007, 3G3MX2-A4022, 3G3MX2-A4030, 3G3MX2-A4040, 3G3MX2-A4055, 3G3MX2-A4075, 3G3MX2-A4110, 3G3MX2-A4150,

With Machine Automation Mentality

  • Current Vector Control.
  • High Starting torque: 200% at 0.5 Hz.
  • Speed range up to 1,000 Hz.
  • Positioning .
  • Safety function *1 EN ISO13849-1 :2008 (Cat.3/PLd) IEC60204-1 Stop Category 0
  • Fieldbus communications with optional unit *2: EtherCAT , CompoNet and Device Net *3
  • Modbus communications.
Model name 3G3MX2 :


Rabu, 30 Agustus 2017

Inverter Danffos VLT® AQUA Drive FC 202 : FC-202PK37,FC-202PK55,FC-202PK75,FC-202P1K1,FC-202P1K5,FC-202P2K2,FC-202P3K0,FC-202P4K0,FC-202P5K5,FC-202P7K5,FC-202P11K,FC-202P15K,FC-202P18KT,FC-202P22K,FC-202P30KT,FC-202P37KT,FC-202P45KT,FC-202P55KT,FC-202P75KT,FC-202P90KT,FC-202P110K,FC-202N132T,FC-202N160T,FC-202N200T,FC-202N250T,

The VLT® AQUA Drive is designed to provide the highest level of performance of AC-motor-driven water and wastewater applications. Featuring a wide range of powerful standard features, which can be expanded with performance-improving options, the drive is equally suited to both new and retrofit projects.

The considerable daily load variation in water or wastewater treatment plants makes it economically feasible to introduce motor control on rotating equipment such as pumps and blowers. The new generation VLT AQUA Drive can realistically offer first-year cost savings of between 10–30% compared to traditional drive solutions. Its high lifetime availability and low energy consumption and maintenance costs provide you with the lowest cost of ownership.

The quick and user-friendly setup of water and pump settings reduces installation time ensuring a fast route to maximum energy efficiency and motor control. By collecting the most important parameters in one place, the risk of incorrect configuration is reduced significantly.

Supply voltages and power range 

1 x 200-240 V...1.1-22 kW
1 x 380-480 V...7.5-37 kW
3 x 200-240 V...0.25-45 kW
3 x 380-480 V...0.37 kW – 1 MW 
3 x 525-600 V...0.75-90 kW
3 x 525-690 V...1.1 kW – 1.4 MW

Low harmonic drive

3 x 380-480 V...132-710 kW

12-pulse drive

3 x 380-500...250-1000 kW
3 x 525-690...250-1400 kW

Features and benefits

Assets are protected thanks to specially designed software that prevents, for example, water hammering
Energy efficiency is maximized as a result of the drives control algorithms and design which focus on reducing heat loss
High energy savings related to air conditioning are ensured due to the unique back-channel-cooling concept that transfers 90% of heat away from the room
Electromagnetic interference and harmonic distortion are reduced thanks to the built-in, scalable RFI filter and integrated DC link chokes
Perfect system integration and adaptation to the application are possible due to freely programmable warnings and alerts
3–8% energy savings are achieved as a result of Automatic Energy Optimization 


Centrifugal pumps and blowers, positive displacement blowers.

PC tools

VLT® Motion Control Tool MCT 10
VLT® Motion Control Tool MCT 31
Danfoss ecoSmart
Danfoss HCS (Harmonic Calculation Software)
Danfoss Servo Sizer
VLT® Energy Box

- FC-202PK37T4E20H1XGX....
- FC-202PK37T4E20H2XGX....
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- FC-202PK75T4E20H1XGX....
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- FC-202P1K1T4E20H1XGX....
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- FC-202P1K5T4E20H1XGX....
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- FC-202P2K2T4E20H1XGX....
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- FC-202P3K0T4E20H1XGX....
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- FC-202P4K0T4E20H1XGX....
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- FC-202P5K5T4E20H1XGX....
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- FC-202P7K5T4E20H1XGX....
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- FC-202P7K5T4E55H1XGX....
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- FC-202P11KT4E20H1XGX...
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- FC-202P11KT4E55H1XGX...
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- FC-202P15KT4E20H1XGX...
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- FC-202P15KT4E20H3XGX...
- FC-202P15KT4E55H1XGX...
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- FC-202P15KT4E55H3XGX...

- FC-202P18KT4E20H1XGX...
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- FC-202P18KT4E20H3XGX...
- FC-202P18KT4E55H1XGX...
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- FC-202P18KT4E55H3XGX...

- FC-202P22KT4E20H1XGX...
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- FC-202P22KT4E20H3XGX...
- FC-202P22KT4E55H1XGX...
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- FC-202P22KT4E55H3XGX...

- FC-202P30KT4E20H1XGX...
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- FC-202P30KT4E20H3XGX...
- FC-202P30KT4E55H1XGX...
- FC-202P30KT4E55H2XGX...
- FC-202P30KT4E55H3XGX...

- FC-202P37KT4E20H1XGX....
- FC-202P37KT4E20H2XGX...
- FC-202P37KT4E20H3XGX...
- FC-202P37KT4E55H1XGX...
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- FC-202P37KT4E55H3XGX...

- FC-202P45KT4E20H1XGX...
- FC-202P45KT4E20H2XGX...
- FC-202P45KT4E20H3XGX...
- FC-202P45KT4E55H1XGX...
- FC-202P45KT4E55H2XGX...
- FC-202P45KT4E55H3XGX...

- FC-202P55KT4E20H1XGX...
- FC-202P55KT4E20H2XGX...
- FC-202P55KT4E20H3XGX...
- FC-202P55KT4E55H1XGX...
- FC-202P55KT4E55H2XGX...
- FC-202P55KT4E55H3XGX...

- FC-202P75KT4E20H1XGX...
- FC-202P75KT4E20H2XGX...
- FC-202P75KT4E20H3XGX...
- FC-202P75KT4E55H1XGX...
- FC-202P75KT4E55H2XGX...
- FC-202P75KT4E55H3XGX...

- FC-202P90KT4E20H1XGX...
- FC-202P90KT4E20H2XGX...
- FC-202P90KT4E20H3XGX...
- FC-202P90KT4E55H1XGX...
- FC-202P90KT4E55H2XGX...
- FC-202P90KT4E55H3XGX...

- FC-202P110K4E20H2XGCX...
- FC-202P110K4E20H2XGC7...
- FC-202P110K4E20H4XGCX...
- FC-202P110K4E20H4XGC7...
- FC-202P110K4E54H2XGCX...
- FC-202P110K4E54H2XGC7...
- FC-202P110K4E54H4XGCX...
- FC-202P110K4E54H4XGC7...

- FC-202N132T4E20H2XGC7...
- FC-202N132T4E20H2XGCX...
- FC-202N132T4E20H4XGC7X...
- FC-202N132T4E54H2XGC7X..
- FC-202N132T4E54H2XGCX...
- FC-202N132T4E54H4XGCX...
- FC-202N132T4E54H4XGC7...

- FC-202N160T4E20H2XG.C7X..
- FC-202N160T4E20H2XGC7X...
- FC-202N160T4E20H4XGC7X...
- FC-202N160T4E54H2XGC7X...
- FC-202N160T4E54H2XGCXX...
- FC-202N160T4E54H4XGCXX...
- FC-202N160T4E54H4XGC7X...

- FC-202N200T4E20H2GC7X....
- FC-202N200T4E20H2XGCX...
- FC-202N200T4E20H4XGC7....
- FC-202N200T4E54H2XGC7....
- FC-202N200T4E54H2XGCX...
- FC-202N200T4E54H4XGCX...
- FC-202N200T4E54H4XGCX...

- FC-202N250T4E20H2XGC7...
- FC-202N250T4E20H2XGCX...
- FC-202N250T4E20H4XGC7....
- FC-202N250T4E54H2XGC7...
- FC-202N250T4E54H2XGCX...
- FC-202N250T4E54H4XGCX...
- FC-202N250T4E54H4XGC7....

Senin, 21 Agustus 2017

FR-E700 : FR-E720-0.1K, FR-E720-0.2K, FR-E720-0.4K, FR-E720-0.75K, FR-E720-1.5K, FR-E720-2.2K, FR-E720-3.7K, FR-E720-5.5K, FR-E720-7.5K, FR-E720-11K, FR-E720-15K, FR-E740-0.4K, FR-E740-0.75K, FR-E740-1.5K, FR-E740-2.2K, FR-E740-3.7K, FR-E740-5.5K, FR-E740-7.5K, FR-E740-11K, FR-E740-15K, FR-E720S-0.1K, FR-E720S-0.2K, FR-E720S-0.4K, FR-E720S-0.75K, FR-E720S-1.5K,FR-E720S-2.2K,FR-E710W-0.1K,FR-E710W-0.2K,FR-E710W-0.4K,FR-E710W-0.75K,

1. Three phase 200V  :

2. Three phase 400V :

3. Single phase 200V  :

4. Single phase 100V  :

FR-F800 : FR-F820-0.75K,FR-F820-1.5K,FR-F820-3.7K,FR-F820-5.5K,FR-F820-7.5K,FR-F820-11K,FR-F820-15K,FR-F820-18.5K,FR-F820-22K,FR-F820-30K,FR-F820-37K,FR-F820-45K,FR-F820-55K,FR-F820-75K,FR-F820-90K,FR-F820-110K,FR-840-0.75K,FR-840-1.5K,FR-840-3.7K,FR-840-5.5K,FR-840-7.5K,FR-840-11K,FR-840-15K,FR-840-18.5K,FR-840-22K,FR-840-30K,FR-840-37K,FR-840-45K,FR-840-55K,FR-840-75K,FR-840-90K,FR-840-110K,FR-840-132K,FR-840-160K,FR-840-185K,FR-840-220K,FR-840-250K,FR-840-260K,FR-840-280K,FR-840-315K,

 1. Three phase 200V :

2. Three phase 400V :

FR-D : FR-D720-0.1K,FR-D720-0.2K,FR-D720-0.4K,FR-D720-0.75K,FR-D720-1.5K,FR-D720-2.2K,FR-D720-3.7K,FR-D720-5.5K,FR-D720-7.5K,FR-D720-11K,FR-D720-15K,FR-D740-0.4K,FR-D740-0.75K,FR-D740-1.5K,FR-D740-2.2K,FR-D740-3.7K,FR-D740-5.5K,FR-D740-7.5K,FR-D740-11K,FR-D740-15K,FR-D720S-0.1K,FR-D720S-0.2K,FR-D720S-0.4K,FR-D720S-0.75K,FR-D720S-1.5K,FR-D720S-2.2K,FR-D720S-3.7K,FR-D720S-5.5K,FR-D720S-7.5K,FR-D720S-11K,FR-D720S-15K,FR-D710W-0.1K,FR-D710W-0.2K,FR-D710W-0.4K,FR-D710W-0.75K,FR-D710W-1.5K,FR-D710W-2.2K,FR-D710W-3.7K,FR-D710W-5.5K,FR-D710W-7.5K,FR-D710W-11K,FR-D710W-15K,

1. Three phase 200V  :

2. Three phase 400V  :

3. Single phase 200*2  :

4. Single phase 100V*2  :

Selasa, 15 Agustus 2017

Output modules : QX48Y57*2,QY18A,QY10 QY10-TS, QY71,QY42P

Outputs Modules
- Point 7 Points, Contact Output 24 V DC 240 V AC -, TRIAC output 100...120 V AC -, Transistor output Sing type 5...12 V DC - , 5...24 V DC Sing type-   Sin/source type- , 12...24 V DC Sink type QX48Y57*2 Source type-
- Points 8 Points, Contact output QY18A, TRIAC output 100...240 V AC-, Transistor 5...12 V DC Sink type- , 5...24 V DC Sink type -   Sink/source type QY68A, 12...24 V DC Sink type -  Source type -
- Point 16 Points, Contact Output QY10 QY10-TS, TRIAC Output 100...240 V AC QY22, Transistor output 5...12 V DC Sink type QY70, 5...24 V DC Sink type-  Sink/Source type-, 12...24 V DC Sink type QY40P QY04P-TS QY50    Source type QY80 QY80-TS
- Point 32 Points, Contact output-, TRIAC output-, Transistor output 5...12 Sink type QY71, 5...24 V DC Sink type QY41H  Sink/Source type- , 12...24 V DC QY41P QH42P*2 QX41Y41P*2   Source type QY81P
- Points 64 Points, Contact Output-, TRIAC output-, Transistor output 5...12 V DC Sink type-, 5..24 V DC Sink type-    Sink/Source type-, 12...24 V DC Sink type QY42P   Sink/Source type QY82P

Input/Interrupt modules : QX48Y57*1,QX70H,QX71,QX72,

- Point 8 Points, DC Input 5 VDC Positive - Negative -,  DC Input 5/12 V DC Positive/Negative- , DC Input 24 V DC Positive QX48Y57*1 Negative -, DC/AC Input 48 V DC/AC Postive Negative-, AC input 100....120V AC-   100...120V AC QX28
- Point 16 Points, 5 V DC Positive QX70H Negative QX90H, DC Input 5/12 V DC Positive/Negative QX70, DC Input 24 V DC Positive QX40 QX40-TS QX40-S1 QX40H QI60 Negative QX80 QX80H QX80-TS, DC/AC input 48 V DC/AC Positive/Negative QX50, AC input 100....120 V AC QX10 QX10-TS     100....120 V AC - .
- Point 32 Points, 5 V DC Positive- Negative-, DC input 5/12 Positive/Negative QX71, DC 24 V DC Positive QX41 QX41-S1 QX41-S2 QH42P*1 QX41Y41P*1 Negative QX81 QX82-S1, DC input 4 V DC/AC Positive/Negative -, AC input 100...120 V AC -    100....120 V AC - , Point 64 points, 5 V DC Positive - Negative -, DC 5/12 V DC Positive/Negative QX71, DC 24 V DC Positive QX42 QX42-S1 Negative QX82 8X82-S1, DC/AC input 48 V DC/AC Positive/Negative-, AC input 100...120 V AC -     100.....120 V AC -
- Point 64 points, 5 V DC Positive - Negative -, DC input 5/12 V DC Positive Negative QX72, 24 V DC Positive QX42 QX42-S1 Negative QX82 QX82-S1, DC/AC input 48 V DC/AC Positive/ Negative- , AC input 100...120 V AC -    100...120 V AC -


- Model C03UDVCPU, Program Capacity 30K steps, Device capacity (Standard device +Standard RAM) 126K words (30K+96K), Standard ROM capacity-, No of I/O Points-, Basic Operation processing speed (LD instruction)-, Peripheral connection ports *1 USB Ethernet, Memory card I/F Dedicated memory card (SRAM card, FLAH card,ATA card)
- Model Q100UDEHCPU, Program capacity 100K steps, Device capacity (Standard device+Standard RAM) 925K words (29K+896K), Standard ROM capacity 16384K bytes, No. of I/O Points-, Basic Operation processing speed (LD instruction) 9.5ns, Peripheral connection ports *1 USB Ethernet, Memory card I/F Dedicated memory card (SRAM card, FLASH card, ATA card)
- Model Q50UDEHCPU, Program capacity 500K steps, Device capacity (Standard device+Standard RAM) 797K words (29K+768K), Standard ROM Capacity 8092K bytes, No. of I/O Points, Basic operation processing speed (LD instruction) 9.5ns, Peripheral connection ports *1 USB Ethernet, Memory card Dedicated memory card (SRAM card, FLASH card, ATA card)
- Model Q26UDEHCPU, Program capacity 260K steps, Device capacity (Standard device+Standard RAM) 669K words (29K+640K), Standard ROM capacity 4096K  bytes, No. of I/O Points-, Basic operation processing speed (LD instruction) 9.5ns, Peripheral connection ports *1 USB Ethernet, Memory card I/F Dedicated memory card (SRAM card, FLASH card,ATA card)
- Model Q26UDHCPU, Program capacity 260K steps, Device (Standard device+Standard RAM) 669K words (29K+640K), Standard ROM capacity 4096K bytes, No. of I/O Points-, Basic operation processing speed (LD instruction) 9.5ns, Peripheral connection ports *1 USB RS-232, Memory card I/F Dedicated memory card (SRAM card, FLASH card, ATA card)
- Model Q20UDEHCPU, Program capacity 200K steps, Device capacity (Standard device+Standard RAM) 669K word (29K+640K), Standard ROM Capacity 4096K bytes, No. of Points-, Basic operation Processing speed (LD instruction) 9.5ns, Peripheral connection ports *1 USB Ethernet
- Model Q20UDHCPU, Program capacity 200K steps, Device capacity (Standard device+Standard RAM)669K words (29K+640K), Standard ROM capacity 4096K bytes, No. of I/O Points-, Basic operation processing speed (LD instruction) 9.5ns, Peripheral connection ports *1 USB RS-232, Memory card I/F Dedicated memory card  (SRAM card, FLASH card,ATA card)
- Model Q13UDEHCPU, Program capacity 130K steps, Device capacity (Standard device+Standard RAM) 541K words (29K+512K), Standard ROM capacity 2048K bytes, No. of I/O Points-, Basic operating processing speed (LD instruction) 9.5ns, Peripheral connection ports *1 USB Ethernet, Memory card Dedicated memory card (SRAM card, FLASH card,ATA card)
- Model Q13UDHCPU, Program capacity130K steps , Device capacity (Standard device+Standard RAM) 541K words (29K+512K), Standard ROM capacity 2048K bytes, No.of I/O Points-, Basic operating processing speed (LD instruction) 9.5ns, Peripheral connection ports *1 USB RS-232, Memory card Dedicated memory card (SRAM card, FLASH card,ATA card)
- Model Q10UDEHCPU, Program capacity 100K steps, Device capacity (Standard device+Standard RAM) 541K words (29K+512K), Standard ROM capacity 2048K bytes, No. of I/O Points-, Basic operating processing speed (LD instruction) 9.5ns, Peripheral connection ports *1 USB Ethernet, Memory card I/F Dedicated memory card (SRAM card, FLASH card,ATA card)
- Model Q1UDHCPU, Program capacity 100K steps, Device capacity (Standard device+Standard RAM) 541K words (29K+512K), Standard ROM capacity 2048K bytes, No.of I/O Points-, Basic operation processing speed (LD instruction) 9.5ns, Peripheral connection ports *1 USB RS-232, Memory card I/F Dedicated memory card (SRAM card,FLASH card,ATA card)
- Model Q06UDEHCPU, Program capacity 60K steps, Device capacity (Standard device+Standard RAM) 413K words (29K+384K), Standard ROM capacity 1024K bytes, No. of I/O Points-, Basic operation processing speed (LD instruction) 9.5ns, Peripheral connection ports *1 USB Ethernet, Memory card I/F Dedicated memory card (SRAM card,FLASH card,ATA card)
- Model Q06UDHCPU, Program capacity 60K steps, Device capacity (Standard device+Standard RAM) 413K words (29K+384K), Standard ROM capacity 1024K bytes, No. of I/O Points-, Basic operation processing speed (LD instruction) 9.5ns, Peripheral connection ports *1 USB RS-232, Memory card Dedicated Memory card (SRAM card,FLASH card,ATA card)
- Model Q04UDEHCPU, Program capacity 40K steps, Device capacity (Standard device+Standard RAM) 157K words (29K+128K), Standard ROM capacity 1024K bytes, No. of I/O Points-, Basic operating processing speed (LD instruction) 9.5ns, Peripheral connection ports *1 USB Ethernet, Memory card Dedicated memory card (SRAM card,FLASH card,ATA card)
- Model Q04UDHCPU, Program capacity 40K steps,  Device capacity (Standard device+Standard RAM) 157K words (29K+128K), Standard ROM capacity 1024K bytes, No. of I/O Points-, Basic operation processing speed (LD instruction) 9.5ns, Peripheral connection ports *1 USB RS-232, Memory card I/F Dedicated memory (SRAM card,FLASH card,ATA card)
- Model Q03UDECPU, Program capacity 30K steps, Device capacity (Standard device+Standard RAM) 125K words (29K+96K), Standard ROM capacity 1024K bytes, No.of I/O Points -, Basic operating processing speed (LD instruction) 20ns, Peripheral connection ports *1 USB Ethernet, Memory card Dedicated memory card (SRAM card,FLASH card,ATA card)
- Model Q03UDCPU, Program capacity 30K steps, Device capacity (Standard device+Standard RAM) 125K words (29K+96K), Standard ROM capacity  1024K bytes, No.of I/O Points-, Basic operation processing speed (LD instruction) 20ns, Peripheral connection ports *1 USB RS-232
- Model Q02UCPU, Model capacity 20K steps, Device capacity (Standard device+Standard RAM) 93K words (29K+46K), Standard ROM capacity 512K bytes, No. of I/O Points 2048 points, Basic operating processing speed (LD instruction) 40ns, Peripheral connection ports *1 USB RS-232, Memory card I/F Dedicated memory card (SRAM card,FLASH card,ATA card)
- Model Q01UCPU, Program capacity 15K steps, Device capacity (Standard device+Standard RAM) 93K words (29K+64K), Standard ROM capacity 512K bytes, No.of I/O Points 1024 points, Basic operation processing speed (LD instruction) 60ns, Peripheral connection ports *1 USB RS-232, Memory card Dedicated memory card (SRAM card,FLASH card,ATA card)
- Model Q00UCPU, Program capacity 10K steps, Device capacity (Standard device+Standard RAM) 93K words (29K+64K), Standard ROM capacity 512 bytes, No.of I/O Points 1024 points, Basic operation processing (LD instruction) 80ns, Peripheral connection ports *1 USB RS-232, Memory card I/F Dedicated memory card (SRAM card, FLASH card,ATA card)
- Model Q00UJCPU, Program capacity 10K, Device capacity (Standard device+Standard RAM) 29K words, Standard ROM capacity 256K bytes, No. of points 256 points, Basic operation processing speed (LD instruction) 120ns, Peripheral connection ports *1 USB RS-232, Memory card I/F Dedicated (SRAM card,FLASH card,ATA card)

Jumat, 11 Agustus 2017

Danfoss Frequency Inverter FC 302 Series ‐ T5 ( 380 to 500 Vac ) : FC-302PK37T5E,FC-302PK55T5E,FC-302P1K1T5E,FC-302P3K0T5E,FC-302P4K0T5E,FC-302P1K5T5E,FC-302P2K2T5E,FC-302P11KT5E,FC-302P15KT5E,FC-302P18KT5E,FC-302P5K5T5E,FC-302P7K5T5E,FC-302P22KT5E,FC-302P30KT5E,FC-302P37KT5E,FC-302P45KT5E,FC-302P55KT5E,FC-302N110T5E,FC-302N132T5E,FC-302P75KT5E,FC-302N90KT5E,FC-302N160KT5E,FC-302N200T5E

Supply voltages and power range

3 x 200-240 V...0.25-37 kW
3 x 380-500 V...0.37 kW – 1.1 MW
3 x 525-600 V...0.75-75 kW
3 x 525-690 V...1.1 kW – 1.4 MW

Low harmonic drive

3 x 380-480 V...132-710 kW
12-pulse drive
3 x 380-500 V...250 kW – 1 MW
3 x 525-690 V...250 kW – 1.4 MW 

Features and benefits

There’s less need for cooling or oversizing as the ambient temperature is 50°C without derating 
The need for PLC capacity is reduced thanks to Smart Logic Control 
Low lifetime costs are ensured as the drive is highly resistant to wear and tear
The lifetime of electronics is prolonged due to back-channel cooling for enclosures D, E
and F 
Commissioning and upgrades are easy due to plug-in technology
High-precision position and synchronization thanks to availability of Integrated Motion Controller throughout the entire product range
Features such as intelligent heat management, Safe stop and Safe Torque Off ensure safe and energy-efficient operation of the drive
High-precision positioning and synchronization tasks are made simple thanks to availability of Integrated Motion Controller throughout the entire product range


Conveyors, positioning and synchronizing, cranes, mixers, centrifuges and palletizing and packaging machinery.

PC tools

VLT® Motion Control Tool MCT 10
VLT® Motion Control Tool MCT 31
Danfoss HCS (Harmonic Calculation Software)
Danfoss Servo Sizer
VLT® Energy Box

- FC-302PK37T5E20H1XGX..........
- FC-302PK37T5E20H1BGX..........
- FC-302PK37T5E20H2XGX..........
- FC-302PK37T5E20H2BGX..........
- FC-302PK37T5Z55H1XGX..........
- FC-302PK37T5Z55H1BGX..........
- FC-302PK37T5Z55H2XGX..........
- FC-302PK37T5Z55H2GBX..........

- FC-302PK55T5E20H1XGX..........
- FC-302PK55T5E20H1BGX..........
- FC-302PK55T5E20H2XGX..........
- FC-302PK55T5E20H2GBX..........
- FC-302PK55T5Z55H1XGX..........
- FC-302PK55T5Z55H1BGX..........
- FC-302PK55T5Z55H2XGX..........
- FC-302PK55T5Z55H2BGX..........
- FC-302PK75T5E20H1XGX.........
- FC-302PK75T5E20H1BGX.........
- FC-302PK75T5E20H2XGX.........
- FC-302PK75T5E20H2GBX.........
- FC-302PK75T5Z55H1XGX.........
- FC-302PK75T5Z55H1BGX.........
- FC-302PK75T5Z55H2XGX.........
- FC-302PK75T5Z55H2BGX........

- FC-302P1K1T5E20H1XGX........
- FC-302P1K1T5E20H1BGX........
- FC-302P1K1T5E20H2XGX........
- FC-302P1K1T5E20H2BGX........
- FC-302P1K1T5Z55H1XGX........
- FC-302P1K1T5Z55H1BGX........
- FC-302P1K1T5Z55H2XGX........
- FC-302P1K1T5Z55H2XGX........
- FC-302P1K1T5Z55H2BGX.......

- FC-302P3K0T5E20H1XGX.......
- FC-302P3K0T5E20H1BGX.......
- FC-302P3K0T5E20H2XGX.......
- FC-302P3K0T5E20H2BGX......
- FC-302P3K0T5Z55H1XGX......
- FC-302P3K0T5Z55H1BGX......
- FC-302P3K0T5Z55H2XGX......
- FC-302P3K0T5Z55H2BGX......

- FC-302P4K0T5E20H1XGX.....
- FC-302P4K0T5E20H1BGX.....
- FC-302P4K0T5E20H2BGX.....
- FC-302P4K0T5E20H2XGX.....
- FC-302P4K0T5Z55H2XGX.....
- FC-302P4K0T5Z55H2BGX.....
- FC-302P4K0T5Z55H2XGX.....
- FC-302P4K0T5Z55H2BGX.....
- FC-302P4K0T5E20H1XGX.....
- FC-302P4K0T5E20H1BGX.....
- FC-302P4K0T5E20H2BGX.....
- FC-302P4K0T5E20H2XGX.....
- FC-302P4K0T5Z55H2XGX.....
- FC-302P4K0T5Z55H2BGX.....
- FC-302P4K0T5Z55H1XGX.....
- FC-302P4K0T5Z55H1BGX.....

- FC-302P1K5T5E20H1XGX.....
- FC-302P1K5T5E20H1BGX.....
- FC-302P1K5T5E20H2XGX.....
- FC-302P1K5T5E20H2BGX.....
- FC-302P1K5T5Z55H1XGX.....
- FC-302P1K5T5Z55H1BGX.....
- FC-302P1K5T5Z55H2XGX.....
- FC-302P1K5T5Z55H2BGX.....

- FC-302P2K2T5E20H1XGX.....
- FC-302P2K2T5E20H1BGX.....
- FC-302P2K2T5E20H2XGX.....
- FC-302P2K2T5E20H2BGX.....
- FC-302P2K2T5Z55H1XGX.....
- FC-302P2K2T5Z55H1BGX.....
- FC-302P2K2T5Z55H2XGX.....
- FC-302P2K2T5Z55H2BGX.....

- FC-302P11KT5E20H1XGX.....
- FC-302P11KT5E20H1BGX.....
- FC-302P11KT5E20H2XGX.....
- FC-302P11KT5E20H2BGX.....
- FC-302P11KT5E55H1XGX.....
- FC-302P11KT5E55H1BGX.....
- FC-302P11KT5E55H2XGX.....
- FC-302P11KT5E55H2BGX.....

- FC-302P15KT5E20H1XGX.....
- FC-302P15KT5E20H1BGX.....
- FC-302P15KT5E20H2XGX.....
- FC-302P15KT5E20H2BGX.....
- FC-302P15KT5Z55H1XGX.....
- FC-302P15KT5Z55H1BGX.....
- FC-302P15KT5Z55H2XGX.....
- FC-302P15KT5Z55H2BGX.....

- FC-302P18KT5E20H1XGX.....
- FC-302P18KT5E20H1BGX.....
- FC-302P18KT5E20H2XGX.....
- FC-302P18KT5E20H2BGX.....
- FC-302P18KT5E55H1XGX.....
- FC-302P18KT5E55H1BGX.....
- FC-302P18KT5E55H2XGX.....
- FC-302P18KT5E55H2BGX.....

- FC-302P5K5T5E20H1XGX.....
- FC-302P5K5T5E20H1BGX.....
- FC-302P5K5T5E20H2XGX.....
- FC-302P5K5T5E20H2BGX.....
- FC-302P5K5T5E55H1XGX.....
- FC-302P5K5T5E55H1BGX.....
- FC-302P5K5T5E55H2XGX.....
- FC-302P5K5T5E55H2BGX.....

- FC-302P7K5T5E20H1XGX.....
- FC-302P7K5T5E20H1BGX.....
- FC-302P7K5T5E20H2XGX.....
- FC-302P7K5T5E20H2BGX.....
- FC-302P7K5T5E55H1XGX.....
- FC-302P7K5T5E55H1BGX.....
- FC-302P7K5T5E55H2XGX.....
- FC-302P7K5T5E55H2BGX.....

- FC-302P22KT5E20H1XGX.....
- FC-302P22KT5E20H1BGX.....
- FC-302P22KT5E20H2XGX.....
- FC-302P22KT5E20H2BGX.....
- FC-302P22KT5E55H1XGX.....
- FC-302P22KT5E55H1BGX.....
- FC-302P22KT5E55H2XGX.....
- FC-302P22KT5E55H2BGX.....

- FC-302P30KT5E20H1XGX.....
- FC-302P30KT5E20H1BGX.....
- FC-302P30KT5E20H2XGX.....
- FC-302P30KT5E20H2BGX.....
- FC-302P30KT5E55H1XGX.....
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- FC-302P30KT5E55H2XGX.....
- FC-302P30KT5E55H2BGX.....

- FC-302P37KT5E20H1XGX.....
- FC-302P37KT5E20H1BGX.....
- FC-302P37KT5E20H2XGX.....
- FC-302P37KT5E20H2BGX.....
- FC-302P37KT5E55H1XGX.....
- FC-302P37KT5E55H1BGX.....
- FC-302P37KT5E55H2XGX.....
- FC-302P37KT5E55H2BGX.....

- FC-302P45KT5E20H1XGX.....
- FC-302P45KT5E20H1BGX.....
- FC-302P45KT5E20H2XGX.....
- FC-302P45KT5E20H2BGX.....
- FC-302P45KT5E55H1XGX.....
- FC-302P45KT5E55H1BGX.....
- FC-302P45KT5E55H2XGX.....
- FC-302P45KT5E55H2BGX.....

- FC-302P55KT5E20H1XGX.....
- FC-302P55KT5E20H1BGX.....
- FC-302P55KT5E20H2XGX.....
- FC-302P55KT5E20H2BGX.....
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- FC-302P55KT5E55H1BGX.....
- FC-302P55KT5E55H2XGX.....
- FC-302P55KT5E55H2BGX.....

- FC-302N110T5E20H2XGC7.....
- FC-302N110T5E20H2XGCX.....
- FC-302N110T5E20H4XGC7.....
- FC-302N110T5E20H4XGCX....
- FC-302N110T5E20H2XGC7....
- FC-302N110T5E54H2XGC7....
- FC-302N110T5E54H2XGCX....
- FC-302N110T5E54H4XGC7....
- FC-302N110T5E54H4XGCX...

- FC-302N132T5E20H2XGC7......
- FC-302N132T5E20H2XGCX.....
- FC-302N132T5E20H4XGC7.....
- FC-302N132T5E20H4XGCX.....
- FC-302N132T5E54H2XGC7.....
- FC-302N132T5E55H2XGCX.....
- FC-302N132T5E55H4XGC7.....
- FC-302N132T5E55H4XGCX.....

- FC-302P75KT5E20H1XGX.....
- FC-302P75KT5E20H1BGX.....
- FC-302P75KT5E20H2XGX.....
- FC-302P75KT5E20H2BGX.....
- FC-302P75KT5E55H1XGX.....
- FC-302P75KT5E55H1BGX.....
- FC-302P75KT5E55H2XGX.....
- FC-302P75KT5E55H2BGX.....

- FC-302N90KT5E20H2XGC7.....
- FC-302N90KT5E20H2XGCX.....
- FC-302N90KT5E20H4XGC7.....
- FC-302N90KT5E20H4XGCX.....
- FC-302N90KT5E21H2XGC7.....
- FC-302N90KT5E21H2XGCX.....
- FC-302N90KT5E21H4XGC7.....
- FC-302N90KT5E21H4XGCX.....
- FC-302N90KT5E54H2XGC7.....
- FC-302N90KT5E54H2XGCX....
- FC-302N90KT5E54H4XGC7....
- FC-302N90KT5E54H4XGCX....

- FC-302N160KT5E20H2XGC7....
- FC-302N160KT5E20H2XGCX....
- FC-302N160KT5E20H4XGC7....
- FC-302N160KT5E20H4XGCX....
- FC-302N160KT5E54H2XGC7....
- FC-302N160KT5E54H2XGCX....
- FC-302N160KT5E54H4XGC7....
- FC-302N160KT5E54H4XGCX....

- FC-302N200T5E20H2XGC7.....
- FC-302N200T5E20H2XGCX.....
- FC-302N200T5E20H4XGC7.....
- FC-302N200T5E20H4XGCX....
- FC-302N200T5E54H2XGC7....
- FC-302N200T5E54H2XGCX....
- FC-302N200T5E54H4XGC7....
- FC-302N200T5E54H4XGCX....

Selasa, 08 Agustus 2017

Inverter FR-D : FR-D720-0.1K,FR-D720-0.2K,FR-D720-0.4K,FR-D720-0.75K,FR-D720-1.5K,FR-D720-2.2K,FR-D720-3.7K,FR-D720-5.5K,FR-D7207.5K,FR-D720-11K,FR-D720-15K,FR-D740-0.4K,FR-D740-0.75K,FR-D740-1.5K,FR-D740-2.2K,FR-D740-3.7K,FR-D740-5.5K,FR-D740-7.5K,FR-D740-11K,FR-D740-15K,FR-D720S-0.1K,FR-D720S-0.2K,FR-D720S-0.4K,FR-D720S-0.75K,FR-D720S-1.5K,FR-D720-2.2K,FR-D710W-0.1K,FR-D710W-0.2K,FR-D710W-0.4K,FR-D710W-0.75K,

Inverter Mitsubishi Three-phase 200V :
- Inverter Model FR-D720-0.1K, Motor Output (kW) 0.1, Moulded Case Circuit Breaker (MCCB) *1 or Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker (ELB) *2 Reactor connection  without 30AF with 30AF 5A , Magnetic Contactor (MC) *3 Reactor connection without S-N10 with S-N10 , Reactor FR-HAL 0.4K *5 FR-HEL 0.4 *5
- Inverter Model FR-D720-0.2K, Motor Output (kW) 0.2, Moulded Case Circuit Breaker (MCCB) *1 or Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker (ELB)*2 Reactor connection without 30AF 5A with 30AF 5A , Magnetic Contactor (MC) *3 Reactor connection without S-N10 with S-N10, Reactor FR-HAL 0.4K *5 FR-HEL 0.4 *5
- Inverter Model FR-D720-0.4K, Motor Output (kW)0.4, Moulded Case Circuit Breaker (MCCB) *1 or Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker (ELB) *2 Reactor connection without 30AF 5A with 30AF 5A, Magnetic Contactor (MC)*3 Reactor connection without S-N10 with S-N10, Reactor FR-HAL 0.4K with 0.4K
- Inverter Model FR-D720-075K, Motor output (kW) 0.75, Moulded Case Circuit Breaker (MCCB) *1 or Earth Leakage Circuit (ELB)*2 Breaker (ELB) *2 Reactor connection without 30AF 510 with 30AF 5A, Magnetic Contactor (MC) *3  Reactor connection without S-N10 with S-N10 , Reactor FR-HAL 0.75K  FR-HEL  0.75K
- Inverter Model FR-D720-1.5, Motor output (kW) 1.5, Moulded Case Circuit Breaker (MCCB) *1 or Earth Leakage Circuit (MC) *2 Breaker (ELB) *2 , Reactor connection without 30AF 15 A with 30AF 10A, Magnetic Contactor (MC) *3   Reactor connection without S-N10 with S-N10 , Reactor FR-HAL1.5K FR-HEL 1.5K
- Inverter Model FR-D720-2.2K, Motor output (kW) 2.2, Moulded Case Circuit Breaker (MCCB) *1 or Earth Leakage Circuit (ELB) *2  Reactor connection without 30AF 20A with 30AF 15A, Magnetic Contactor (MC) *3 Reactor connection without S-N10 with S-N10, Reactor FR-HAL 2.2K FR-HEL 2.2K
- Inverter Model FR-D720-3.7, Motor output (kW) 3.7, Moulded Case Circuit Breaker (MCCB) *1 or Earth Leakage Circuit (MC) *2 Reaction connection without30AF 30A with 30AF 30A , Magnetic Contactor (MC) *3 Reactor connection  without S-N20  S-N21 with S-N10, Reactor FR-HAL 3.7K  FR-HEL 3.7K
- Inverter Model FR-D720-5.5K, Motor output (kW) 3.7, Moulded Case Circuit Breaker (MCCB) *1 or Earth Leakage Circuit (ELB) *2 Reaction connection without 50AF 50A with 50AF 40A, Magnetic Connactor (MC) *3 Reactor connection without S-N20 S-N2 with S-N20 S-N21, Reactor FR-HAL 5.5K FR-HEL 5.5K
- Inverter Model FR-D720-7.5K, Motor output (kW) 7.5, Moulded Case Circuit Breaker (MCCB) *1 or Earth Leakage (ELB) *2 Reaction connection without 100AF 60A with 50AF 50A, Magnetic Contactor (MC) *3 Reactor connection without S-N25 with S-N20 S-N21, Reactor FR-HEL 7.5K FR-HEL 7.5K
- Inverter Model FR-D720-11K, Motor output (kW) 11, Moulded Case Circuit Breaker (MCCB) *1 or Earth Leakage (ELB) *2 Reaction connection without 100AF 75A with 100AF 75A, Magnetic Contactor (MC) *3 Reactor connection without S-N35 with S-N35, Reactor FR-HEL 11K FR-HEL 11K
- Inverter Model FR-D720-15K, Motor output (kW), Moulded Case Circuit Breaker (MCCB) *1 or Earth Leakage(ELB) *2 Reaction connection without 225AF 125A with 100AF100A, Magnetic Contactor (MC) *3 Reactor connection without S-N50 with S-N50 , Reactor FR-HAL 15K FR-HEL 15K

Inverter Mitsubishi Three-phase 400V :
- Inverter Model FR-D740-0.4K, Motor output (kW) 0.4, Moulded Case Circuit Breaker (MCCB) *1 or Earth Leakage (ELB) *2 Reaction connection without 30AF 5A with 30AF 5A, Magnetic Contactor (MC) *3 Reactor connection without S-N10 with SS-N10, Reactor FR-HAL H0.4K FR-HEL H0.4K
- Inverter Model FR-D740-0.75K, Motor output (kW) 0.75, Moulded Case Circuit Breaker (MCCB) *1 or Earth Leakage (ELB) *2 Reaction connection without 30AF 5A with 30AF 5A, Magnetic Contactor (MC) *3 Reaction connection without S-N10 with S-N10, Reactor FR-HAL H0.75K FR-HEL H0.75K
- Inverter Model FR-D740-1.5K, Motor output (kW) 1.5, Moulded Case Circuit Breaker (MCCB) *1 or Earth Leakage (ELB) *2 Reaction connection without 30AF 10 A with 30AF 10A, Magnetic Contactor (MC) *3 Reaction connection without S-N10 with S-N10, Reactor FR-HAL H1.5K FR-HEL H1.5K
- Inverter Model FR-D740-2.2K, Motor output (kW) 2.2, Moulded Case Circuit Breaker (MCCB) *1 or Earth Leakage (ELB) *2 Reaction connection without 30AF 15A with 30AF 10A
, Magnetic Contactor (MC) *3 Reaction connection without S-N10 with S-N10 , Reactor FR-HAL H2.2K FR-HEL H2.2K
- Inverter Model FR-D70-3.7K, Motor output (kW) 3.7, Moulded Case Circuit Breaker (MCCB) *1 or Earth Leakage (ELB) *2 Reaction connection without 30AF 20A with 30AF 15A, Magnetic Contactor (MC) *3 Reaction connection without S-N10 with S-N10 , Reactor FR-HAL H3.7K FR-HEL3.7K
- Inverter Model FR-D740-5.5K, Motor output (kW) 5.5, Moulded Case Circuit Breaker (MCCB) * 1 or Earth Leakage (ELB) *2 Reaction connection without 50AF 50A with 50AF 40AF, Magnetic Contactor (MC) *3 Reaction connection without S-N20 S-N21 with S-N11 S-N12, Reactor FR-HAL H5.5K FR-HEL H5.5K
- Inverter Model FR-D740-7.5K, Motor output (kW) 7.5, Moulded Case Circuit Breaker (MCCB) *1 or Earth Leakage (ELB) *2 Reaction connection without 30AF 30 A with 30AF 30A, Magnetic Contactor (MC) *3 Reactor connection without S-N20 S-N21 with S-N20 S-N21, Reactor FR-HAL H7.5K FR-HEL H7.5K
- Inverter Model FR-D740-11K, Motor output (kW) 11K, Moulded Case Circuit Breaker (MCCB) *1 or Earth Leakage (ELB) *2 Reaction connection without 50AF 50A with 50AF 40A, Magnetic Contactor (MC) *3 Reactor connection without S-N20 S-N21 with S-N20 S-N21, Reactor FR-HAL H11K FR-HEL H11K
- Inverter Model FR-D740-15K, Motor output (kW) 15K, Moulded Case Circuit Breaker (MCCB) *1 or Earth Leakage (ELB) *2 Reaction connection without 100AF 60A with 50AF 50A, Magnetic Contactor (MC) *3 Reactor connection without S-N25 with S-N20 S-N21, Reactor FR-HAL H15K FR-HEL H15K

Inverter Mitsubishi Single-phase 200V :
- Inverter Model FR-D720S-0.1K, Motor output (kW) 0.1, Moulded Case Circuit Breaker (MCCB) *1 or Earth Leakage (ELB) *2 Reaction connection without 30AF 5A with 30AF 5A, Magnetic Contactor (MC) *3 Reactor connection without  S-N10 with S-N10, Reactor FR-HAL 0.4K *5 FR-HEL 0.4K *5
- Inverter Model FR-D720S-0.2K, Motor output (kW) 0.2, Moulded Case Circuit Breaker (MCCB) *1 or Earth Leakage (ELB) *2 Reaction connection without 30AF 5A with 30AF 5A, Magnetic Contactor (MC) *3 Reactor connection without S-N10 with S-N10, Reactor FR-HAL 0.4K *5 FR-HEL 0.4K *5
- Inverter Model FR-D720S-0.4K, Motor output (kW) 0.4, Moulded Case Circuit Breaker (MCCB) *1 or Earth Leakage (ELB) *2 Reaction connection without 30AF 10A with 30AF 10A, Magnetic Contactor (MC) *3 Reactor connection without S-N10 with S-N10, Reactor FR-HAL 07.5K *5 FR-HEL 07.5K *5
Inverter Model FR-D720S-0.75K, Motor output (kW) 0.75, Moulded Case Circuit Breaker (MCCB) *1 or Earth Leakage (ELB) *2 Reaction connection without 30AF 15A with 30AF 10A, Magnetic Contactor (MC) 83 Reaction connection without S-N10 with S-N10, Reactor FR-HAL1.5K *5 FR-HEL 1.5K  *5
- Inverter Model FR-D720S-1.5K, Motor output (kW) 1.5, Moulded Case Circuit Breaker (MCCB) *1 or Earth Leakage (ELB) *2 Reaction connection without 30AF 20A with 30AF 20A, Magnetic Contactor (MC) *3 Reactor connection without S-N10 with S-N10, Reactor FR-HAL 2.2K *5 FR-HEL 2,2K *5
- Inverter Model FR-D720S-2.2k, Motor output (kW) 2.2, Moulded Case Circuit Breaker (MCCB) *1 or Earth Leakage (ELB) *2 Reaction connection without 50AF 40A with 30AF 30A, Magnetic Contactor (MC) *3 Reactor connection without S-N20 S-N21 with S-N10, Reactor FR-HAL 3.7K *5 FR-HEL 7.5K *5

Inverter Mitsubishi Single-phase 100V :
- Inverter Model FR-D710W-0.1K, Motor output (kW) 0.1, Moulded Case Circuit Breaker (MCCB) *1 or Earth Leakage (ELB) *2 Reaction connection without 30AF 10A with 30AF 5A, Magnetic Contactor (MC) *3 Reactor connection without SN-10 with SN-10, Reactor FR-HAL 0.75K *5 *4 FR-HEL -*6
- Inverter Model FR-D710W-0.2K, Motor output (kW) 0.2, Moulded Case Circuit Breaker (MCCB) *1 or Earth Leakage (ELB) *2 Reaction connection without 30AF 10A with 30AF 10A, Magnetic Contactor (MC) *3 Reactor connection without S-N10 with S-N10, Reactor FR-HAL 1.5K*4 *5 FR-HEL -*6
- Inverter Model FR-D710W-0.4K, Motor output (kW) 0.4, Moulded Case Circuit Breaker (MCCB) *1 or Earth Leakage (ELB) *2 Reaction connection without 30AF 15A with 30AF 15A, Magnetic Contactor (MC) *3 Reactor connection without S-N10 with S-N10, Reactor FR-HAL2.2K*4 *5 FR-HEL -*6
- Inverter Model FR-D710W-0.75K, Motor output (kW) 0.75, Moulded Case Circuit Breaker (MCCB) *1 Earth Leakage (ELB) *2 Reaction connection without 30AF 30A with 30AF 20A, Magnetic Contactor (MC) *3 Reactor connection without S-N10 with S-N10, Reactor FR-HAL 3.7K *4 *5  FR-HEL-*6

Inverter Mitsubishi FR-D720S 1 phase 200V : FR-D720S-0.1K, FR-D720S-0.4K, FR-D720S-0.75K, FR-D720S-1.5K, R-D720S-2.5K,

 Inverter Mitsubishi Singlee-phase 200V class (when input power supply is 220V) :

Inverter Mitsubishi FR-D740 3phase 400V : FR-D740-0.4K, FR-D740-7.5K,FR-D740-1.5K,FR-2.2K,FR-D740-3.7K,FR-D740-3.7K, FR-D740-5.5K, FR-D740-7.5K, FR-D740-11K, FR-D740-15K,

Inverter Mitsubishi Three-phase 400V (when input power supply is 400V) :

Inverter FR-D720 3-phase 200V class : FR-D720-0.1K, FR-D720-0.4K, FR-D720-0.75K, FR-D720-1.5K, FR-D720-2.2K, FR-D720-3.7K, FR-D720-5.5K, FR-D720-11K, FR-D720-15K,

Inverter FR-D720 3-phase 200V class :